In the poems and fables of The Persistence of Objects, historical figures such as George Washington and Squanto pop in as ancestors and guests, illustrating Garcia's belief in memory as a continuous reciprocal creation. This book is rich in the surrealist and humanist traditions, full of surprises, wit, intelligence and heart.

"Garcia's poems leap and loiter, climb and plummet, effervesce and repose. They are, by turns, rambunctious and formal, whimsical and penetrating. They stake out territory on every street corner and in every country meadow and, ultimately, in every reader’s breast."
"What a joy to read Garcia’s splendid new collection! His words, so courageous and consoling in their imaginative power, connect with other human beings. In page after page, at once heartbreaking and hilarious, we realize that Garcia’s world of dreams is ours—inescapably ours."
Read sample poems from The Persistence of Objects
‘Eradication of Exotic Pests’    ‘The Blueness’    ‘My Father’s False Teeth’

Buy The Persistence of Objects from BOA Editions, Ltd.